Extract type plates, identification plates or license plates#

This OCR and AI tutrial will guide you to create an AI to extract type plates, identification plates or similar unstructured documents. If you are new to Konfuzio please watch the Quickstart Tutorial first.

Create a Project to OCR type plates, identification plates or license plates#

Create Project to extract data

Create a Label to extract the chassis number#

As an example we create the chassis number label and assign it to the Category “Type plate”. You could add as much different Labels as you want and need.


Upload type plates, identification plates or license plates#

Upload examples: In this tutorial we use 3 type plates to demonstrate the process.


If you don’t have examples at hand: Visit the link to download those images. You can then upload those images to your project.

Download link for picture of clean type plate

Download link for picture of punched type plate

Download link for picture of rotated type plate

Automatically rotate type plates, identification plates or license plates#

Konfuzio will automatically rotate the images for you.

Annotate the chassis number in the type plates#


Assign the documents to AI training#

Changes will be saved automatically


Start the retraining of the OCR AI#

A few documents will only take a few seconds to train. You will receive an email as soon the training as finished.


Test your AI to extract type plates#

Upload new documents. You will now see suggestions. Revise those suggestions and add this document as testing Document.


Download link for picture of type plate

Rerun evaluation to calculate the accuracy of your type plate parser#


Upload more type plates and add those documents as training documents#

Iterate of the previous steps and add as many documents you need to reach your accuracy goal.

Optional: You can expand to extract other documents#

You an even go beyond and find other documents that contain the ident number and extract those.

As you see the AI ad-hoc provides suggestions. However, you might want to separate those types of documents in different categories. This will help you to train one specialized AI for every type of document. This will ensure a high level of accuracy for type plates, identification plates and license plates.


Download link for picture of car ident number written on paper

Download link for picture of punched chassis number